valueSend the value with the component and check the entered value correctlystring``
charsCharacters that captcha should be made with.stringA to Z a to z 0 to 10
countNumber of characternumber5
hideLinesHide dirty line and make captcha simplebooleanfalse
customTextColorSet text color for all charactersstring``
textColorsSet random text color for each character in array of liststring[]``
widthWidth of captchaanycount * 30
heightWidth of captchanumber50
canvasClasscustom class for canvasstring``
captchaFont (V1.1.3)Custom canvas fontstringbold 28px sans-serif
hideRefreshIcon (V1.1.5)Custom canvas fontbooleanhide or show refresh button action
Last Updated:
Contributors: parsajiravand, Parsa Jiravand, parsa jiravand